For the development of the final project in the training course “HESEIA: Tools to Explore Biases and Stereotypes of AI in the Classroom”, we will begin by revisiting its objectives:
- To create a critical and responsible educational experience around generative artificial intelligence.
- To collaboratively build a dataset to evaluate stereotypes in these AI technologies.
- To foster citizenship in this era of increasing AI presence.
As discussed in class four, the practice you will carry out is part of a collective research project initiated at the National University of Córdoba in collaboration with the Vía Libre Foundation. The project aims to contribute to society by providing tools to understand and analyze the functioning of generative AI, including its biases and stereotypes, fostering classroom experiences that develop a critical perspective on AI among students. To achieve this goal, we propose the use of EDIA, locally developed software, in the practices carried out in schools. This tool will be used to build a dataset in collaboration with teachers and students, promoting research that bridges the social and computational domains within our regions.
Each of the activities detailed below will serve as a direct input for the final project, which is required for course accreditation. The final project or evaluation consists of four activities:
Activities and Deadlines
1.Development of a Conjectural Script
This involves drafting a conjectural script where you imagine, plan, and anticipate the execution of your practice. The script should not exceed four pages.
A detailed explanation of what we expect from this work and submission instructions can be found at the following link.
Submission deadline: Friday, September 27.
2. Implementation of the Script in Schools
Execute the class or classes planned in your conjectural script at your schools. We encourage incorporating the use of EDIA in the classroom or as a homework assignment to compare biases and stereotypes using phrases relevant to your curricular area.
Implementation deadline: Friday, October 18.
3. Final Report of Activities
In class 5 (in-person) on September 28, we will introduce potential tools for data enrichment and analysis, creating the final product, and crafting possible narratives.
Submission deadline: Friday, October 25.
4. Dissemination
Create a product for dissemination, such as a poster, podcast, video, or any format you consider appropriate, with the aim of publishing it on the course website.
Material submission deadline: Monday, October 21.